Arab and Jewish cousins go to the movies in Tel Aviv’s most central mall, August 2009. »
Today an entire village was demolished in Israel; a non-recognized Bedouin village: al-Arakib in the northern Negev, a few miles north of Beer-Sheva, next to Highway 40. Hundreds of police and Special Patrol Unit forces, bulldozers, and security personal participated in the operation. Thirty left-wing activists from different parts of the country managed to reach the site at the last moment in a sign of solidarity with the residents and to protest the destruction. But against such superior forces, crippling forces, there was not much of a chance. The police created a buffer between the Bedouin residents and their homes; they formed a human wall between the activists and residents and the homes – and while doing so arrested several activists. Women and children were removed from their homes. Then, before the eyes of the people of al-Arakib, bulldozers demolished their homes and fields. »
If you want to know how colonialism looks like, come to Al-Araqib and see the radical transformation of the landscape brought about by the bulldozers of ILA and the Jewish National Fund. Still, life in this place insists on sprouting anew despite the destruction. »
Acre (Ar. Akka), l’une des plus belles villes du Moyen-Orient, est devenue le terrain d’une guerre d’usure menée par des institutions étatiques, des associations de colons et de gentrificateurs contre les habitants palestiniens de la ville. La reconnaissance de la vieille ville d’Acre comme patrimoine mondial par l’UNESCO ne protège pas ses habitants de la pauvreté et de la misère, de même qu’elle ne leur fournit pas d’immunité face à l'expropriation. Au contraire : cette reconnaissance ouvre des opportunités aux investisseurs et une conjoncture favorable pour des colons nationalistes: Un rapport spécial »
Last summer's social protests exposed the contradictions of the current economic and political order. The voices of the protests were not limited to those of the traditional middle classes: Such contradictions are also opportunities that challenge us to promote change and not to stand idly by. A critical overview of the protest »
When neoliberals talk about improving and developing the education system, there are two main claims that they never fail to repeat. The first is the need for a technological revolution in education, while the second is to dismantle age-based instruction. To make these neoliberal proposals more attractive, they’ll always remind us of the supposedly liberating information revolution, along with the ideas of Professor Ken Robinson on creativity. »
In another week or two, when the Israeli primary season ends and the echoes of exploding rockets will fade from the TV screens, we'll see who really cares about the residents of Israel's south, Jews and Palestinians. Let's see, when Bibi will try to pass his austerity budget, who really cares about the children and elderly of Israel, and who cares about them only enough to use them as excuses for wars and for gaining political power »
Touches there, respond here... When does memory create victimization, and how can it becomes a base for action, for taking responsibility? The Palestinian memory as a place to fight from, not to be trapped inside, but rather to come out of it in order to shape the future. A challenge for Palestinians, a challenge for Israelis. »
What is social justice and what makes a nation? Viki Vaanunu, public housing activist, speech given at the Sapir conference, January, 2012. »
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הטקסט המקורי של קובי ניב מ-1976. מוקדש לכיבוש הארור, במלאת לו 45 שנים. Kobi Niv's original text, dedicated to the cruel Israeli occupation, which celebrates 45 years. »
JNF-UK lost 50% of its income from donations in 2011. It's not going anywhere-- they've got more than enough money, and the bulldozers in the Negev/Naqab desert are not skipping a beat. A-Araqib Village spokesperson Dr. Awad Abu Freih: "This is a great achievement in our struggle. There is much more that needs doing, but the true face of the JNF is starting to come to light." »
The "Ha-Olam Ha-Ze" brought an anonymous testimony of a policeman who took part in suppressing the the "Land Day" protests in 1976. We bring it in full without any abbreviations or changes. »