Hundreds of residents of Kfar Shalem hold a stormy protest rally against the continuing attempt to evict them from their homes and property. »
An unrecognized village, Dahmash in the middle of Israel: No electricity, no health services, public transport, rubbish removal, or sewage. The residents live under constant threat of demolition and eviction. Tarabut activists have taken up their cause: to stop the demolitions and work toward achieving full recognition for Dahmash. »
0Au centre d'Israël, entre le ville de Lod (Lydda) et celle de Ramle (Ramla), plusieurs centaines de citoyens arabes d'Israël vivent dans un village non reconnu, Dahmach. Officiellement, l'endroit n'existe pas: pas d'électricité, pas de service de santé, pas d'éducation, pas d'évacuation d'ordures, pas d'égouts, pas de planning urbain. Il vit sous une menace permanente de démolition et d'éviction. »
El Consejo Distrital rechaza el Plan de Urbanización para Dahmash: Otro ejemplo de colonialismo interno »
Here’s the State of Israel's message to its Arab residents: “Don't plan. Bulldozers will provide the answer for everything.” That’s the significance of the decision of the Planning and Building Committee that convened on Monday, July 5 to discuss the future of the detailed development plan submitted by the residents of Dahmash. »
On Tuesday, July 13, hundreds marched in protest through the streets of Ramla demanding recognition of the nearby village of Dahmash. The next morning, a local court convened to discuss pending demolition orders against thirteen homes in Dahmash - and decided to freeze their execution for an additional three months »
Die zionistische Praxis der letzten 130 Jahre zeichnet sich nicht vornehmlich durch Blitzkriege aus wie den des Jahres 1967, in dem binnen sechs Tagen die Staatsfläche vervierfacht wurde. Auch der Krieg des Jahres 1948 ist nicht typisch für die zionistische Praxis. Der zentrale zionistische Slogan heißt vielmehr: Noch ein Dunam, und noch ein Dunam! Geduldig werden weitere 1000 Quadratmeter gekauft oder erobert, und noch einmal 1000 Quadratmeter. So auch in diesem Sommer. »
Reuven Abergil, one of the founders of the Israeli Black Panthers, the social movement who shook Israeli society at the beginning of the 1970s, now a member of Tarabut-Hit’habrut, talks about growing up in a poor neighborhood in Jerusalem and the beginning of the Black Panthers movement in Israel. »
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El trasfondo de la huelga de obreros palestinos en "Nitzanei Shalom" que estalló el 19 de octubre de 2010. »
If you want to know how colonialism looks like, come to Al-Araqib and see the radical transformation of the landscape brought about by the bulldozers of ILA and the Jewish National Fund. Still, life in this place insists on sprouting anew despite the destruction. »
Acre (Ar. Akka), l’une des plus belles villes du Moyen-Orient, est devenue le terrain d’une guerre d’usure menée par des institutions étatiques, des associations de colons et de gentrificateurs contre les habitants palestiniens de la ville. La reconnaissance de la vieille ville d’Acre comme patrimoine mondial par l’UNESCO ne protège pas ses habitants de la pauvreté et de la misère, de même qu’elle ne leur fournit pas d’immunité face à l'expropriation. Au contraire : cette reconnaissance ouvre des opportunités aux investisseurs et une conjoncture favorable pour des colons nationalistes: Un rapport spécial »
At Kfar Shalem, residents renew the grassroots struggle for their rights and homes, in anticipation of what lies ahead: the moment when all legal proceedings will have been exhausted and they will be facing the danger of immediate eviction. »
Joining forces: Residents of Dahmash who are fighting against the demolition of their homes and activists from Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, struggling relentlessly against the attempts to dispossess Palestinians in Sheik Jarrah, demonstrate together between Lydda (Lod) and Ramla. »
Last summer's social protests exposed the contradictions of the current economic and political order. The voices of the protests were not limited to those of the traditional middle classes: Such contradictions are also opportunities that challenge us to promote change and not to stand idly by. A critical overview of the protest »
Last Wednesday, a landmark event took place in the struggle for social justice in Israel. A “Popular Court” was conducted, in which the criminals behind Israel’s public housing policy were put on trial. Those whose rights were violated by the public housing policy appeared for the first time not as humble petitioners pleading for mercy, and not as the irresponsible or the already-guilty, but as witnesses and plaintiffs who charge the system with violating their dignity, robbing them of their humanity, and abdicating its responsibility to serve as a social safety net for the most impoverished strata of society. »
David Levi, an activist with Tarabut-Hithabrut, spent the night with other activists in the homes of residents of al-Arakib village the night before the partially rebuilt village was demolished for the second time in a week. (A week later, the village was demolished yet a third time.) David was witness to the arrival of the shovellers and the police on their voyage of destruction. Here is his testimony. »
After the second demolition of their village, a restraining order prohibited Sheikh Sayah al-Touri, his son 'Aziz and his uncle Isma'il were from being in their village with their family, who along with the rest of the villagers and with volunteers, are busy rebuilding the village. They had to find shelter in the nearby village cemetery; the restraining order was only cancelled on August 19.8. The following appeal by Sheikh Sayah was written down a few days ago. »
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Al Araqib : au service des bulldozers de Kakal (le Fonds National Juif), la police a tiré sur les habitants »
What is social justice and what makes a nation? Viki Vaanunu, public housing activist, speech given at the Sapir conference, January, 2012. »
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JNF-UK lost 50% of its income from donations in 2011. It's not going anywhere-- they've got more than enough money, and the bulldozers in the Negev/Naqab desert are not skipping a beat. A-Araqib Village spokesperson Dr. Awad Abu Freih: "This is a great achievement in our struggle. There is much more that needs doing, but the true face of the JNF is starting to come to light." »