The Israeli government declared a war on Gaza. »
What happened in Acca? What is happening in Jaffa? What is happening in Gaza? »
In February 2010, Israel's minister of foreign affair, head of the right-wing party "Yisrael Beiteinu”, proposed requiring a loyalty oath as a condition of Israeli citizenship. Those who refuse - Arab or Jewish - would have their citizenship revoked, though they’d be permitted to remain in the country as permanent residents. Here's our version. »
A left challenge to the politics of fear and separation: 300 activists from both sides of the Green Line discuss the challenges and difficulties at the Hebron Left Conference. »
Месяцы израильского терроризма только посеяли в Газе отчаяние и поддержку тех, кто обещал добиться освобождения силой оружия »
Liberate gli ostaggi dei politici del terrore »
Tarabut-Hithabrut est un mouvement social et politique arabe-juif qui s'occupe des problèmes les plus brûlants en Israël liés à la division des politiques israéliennes d'oppositions entre, d'une part, les luttes contre l'occupation et, d'autre part, les luttes contres les inégalités et pour la justice sociale à l'intérieur du pays. »
Last summer's social protests exposed the contradictions of the current economic and political order. The voices of the protests were not limited to those of the traditional middle classes: Such contradictions are also opportunities that challenge us to promote change and not to stand idly by. A critical overview of the protest »
Zionism is an ideological prison for social change in Israel. It is an ideological prison that separates Jews and Arabs. Even “soft Zionism,” which is said to be moderate and conciliatory, is not able to guarantee equal rights and full participation for twenty percent of the population. There is no partial equality. No such thing as “a little bit equal.” And who can say that 20% of the population (including 50% of children below the poverty line) are full and equal partners, when they are excluded from any movement for social change or revolution? Those who do not acknowledge that the state must recognize full and equal rights (individual and collective) – for its citizens, between the two peoples, between all of the various religious communities and cultural groups that exist within it – are probably seeking to preserve their privilege, the illusion of superiority. This cannot be reconciled with serious social reform. »
After 20 years of a failed and fictitious peace process, there is no more room for ‘processes’ that serve as substitutes for peace. There is nothing left to clarify between the two sides. The only possible compromise for a peace agreement is well known. »
It's time to think about those who sit in offices and issue orders to continue the blockade – even at the price of killing; those who alternate between stoking and extinguishing the flames as needed; who prepare the lists of products that cannot be brought into Gaza – pencils, medicines, spices; those who ordered the attack on the Peace Flotilla; those who use pools of blood as a smoke screen. »
In another week or two, when the Israeli primary season ends and the echoes of exploding rockets will fade from the TV screens, we'll see who really cares about the residents of Israel's south, Jews and Palestinians. Let's see, when Bibi will try to pass his austerity budget, who really cares about the children and elderly of Israel, and who cares about them only enough to use them as excuses for wars and for gaining political power »
É hora de pensar sobre aqueles que ficam em seus escritórios e emitem ordens para manter o bloqueio – mesmo ao custo de vidas humanas; aqueles que revezam entre atiçar e extinguir as labaredas de acordo com a necessidade; que preparam as listas de produtos que não podem entrar em Gaza – lápis, remédios, temperos; aqueles que ordenaram o ataque à “Flotilha da Liberdade”; os homens que usam piscinas de sangue como cortinas de fumaça. »
Il est temps de penser à ceux qui sont assis dans des bureaux et donnent l'ordre de continuer le blocus – même s'il faut tuer pour cela; ceux qui alternent entre bouter le feu et l'éteindre, selon le besoin; ceux qui préparent la liste des produits qui ne peuvent entrer à Gaza: des stylos, des médicaments, ou des épices; ceux qui ont donné l'ordre d'attaquer la Flotille de la paix; ceux qui utilisent le sang pour faire un écran de fumée. »
The Egyptian People Have Won—Long Live the Democratic Revolution in the Middle East »
JNF-UK lost 50% of its income from donations in 2011. It's not going anywhere-- they've got more than enough money, and the bulldozers in the Negev/Naqab desert are not skipping a beat. A-Araqib Village spokesperson Dr. Awad Abu Freih: "This is a great achievement in our struggle. There is much more that needs doing, but the true face of the JNF is starting to come to light." »
The suffering of Israelis living in the south of the country is not diminished by Israeli bombings of Gaza. Terrorizing children in Gaza will not guarantee security for the people in Sderot and Ashdod. When they want to fight a war, all of a sudden they start speaking in the name of the Israel’ southern periphery, but once the war is over, they forget about the south and the people who live there. For them, people's suffering is only an excuse to cause more suffering, not to actually address social suffering. Death only brings more death, and the suffering – everybody’s suffering – must be stopped. »