Agents of Israel’s judicial execution office, backed up by a force of hundreds of police, evict more than twenty families from the “Mahal/Moshe Dayan” compound situated in the southwest corner of Kfar Shalem (in southern Tel-Aviv)—an unprecedented event in the context of a decades-long struggle against dispossession. »
At Kfar Shalem, residents renew the grassroots struggle for their rights and homes, in anticipation of what lies ahead: the moment when all legal proceedings will have been exhausted and they will be facing the danger of immediate eviction. »
Die zionistische Praxis der letzten 130 Jahre zeichnet sich nicht vornehmlich durch Blitzkriege aus wie den des Jahres 1967, in dem binnen sechs Tagen die Staatsfläche vervierfacht wurde. Auch der Krieg des Jahres 1948 ist nicht typisch für die zionistische Praxis. Der zentrale zionistische Slogan heißt vielmehr: Noch ein Dunam, und noch ein Dunam! Geduldig werden weitere 1000 Quadratmeter gekauft oder erobert, und noch einmal 1000 Quadratmeter. So auch in diesem Sommer. »
Tarabut-Hithabrut est un mouvement social et politique arabe-juif qui s'occupe des problèmes les plus brûlants en Israël liés à la division des politiques israéliennes d'oppositions entre, d'une part, les luttes contre l'occupation et, d'autre part, les luttes contres les inégalités et pour la justice sociale à l'intérieur du pays. »
Last summer's social protests exposed the contradictions of the current economic and political order. The voices of the protests were not limited to those of the traditional middle classes: Such contradictions are also opportunities that challenge us to promote change and not to stand idly by. A critical overview of the protest »
Last Wednesday, a landmark event took place in the struggle for social justice in Israel. A “Popular Court” was conducted, in which the criminals behind Israel’s public housing policy were put on trial. Those whose rights were violated by the public housing policy appeared for the first time not as humble petitioners pleading for mercy, and not as the irresponsible or the already-guilty, but as witnesses and plaintiffs who charge the system with violating their dignity, robbing them of their humanity, and abdicating its responsibility to serve as a social safety net for the most impoverished strata of society. »
When neoliberals talk about improving and developing the education system, there are two main claims that they never fail to repeat. The first is the need for a technological revolution in education, while the second is to dismantle age-based instruction. To make these neoliberal proposals more attractive, they’ll always remind us of the supposedly liberating information revolution, along with the ideas of Professor Ken Robinson on creativity. »